... is all I have to say. For two days, I just keep repeating this phrase. OH HOLY FUCK.
There might have been a couple of WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. Or one or two OH MY FUCKING GOD's.
What is happening to warrant this potty mouth, you might ask?
You all know my little sister, the brat who likes to make our lives hell. Finally, her diversion officer was able to put her little ass into rehab. She turned 18 on Saturday, and she left on Thursday. I am a little sad, but I am so hopeful that it will truly help her. She really has tried to be good, although I think the last week(s) before she left she was, again, doing drugs.
I was eating lunch with my hubby yesterday and my mom called me. She called to tell me that Brianna's counselor had just called her with the news that SHE IS PREGNANT. They said she's about two months along (though I have no idea how they figure, since Brianna couldn't say when her last period was.)