I guess I keep it in my head that something important or interesting has to happen to me in order to post about it. If you have been reading for a while, you know that I am not very interesting. (and yet, I'm SO FUNNY in real life. HA! HAA. HAAAA.)
I'm sitting here with my 24hour live feed of BIG BROTHER on in another window, with my Tshirt folded up under my un-brawed boobs. I think I may still have last night's makeup smeared around my eyes. God, I'm sexy. (I don't want to hear anything negative about the fact that I subscribe to BIG BROTHER live feeds. I am so not a dork. Really. I know who has HOH this week, and you don't. I also know who he/SHE has put up for eviction. AND YOU DON'T. Like you care.)
Well, It's day 35 in TheLongestCycleInStephanieHistory and it shows no signs that it's about to end. Those evap lines on FactPlus? Are haunting me. Fuckers.
I'm so very idiotic that I've agreed to work an extra 24 hours this weekend at my second job. I have always loved working at the nursing home, but I'm totally dreading it. I've already put my 40 hours in this week and then I go and do this. FUCK. I am fucked for sleep. Also? Depressed. I now wonder why I ever stopped taking my anti-depressant. Oh, God, how I miss my Paxil CR. I just looked up in the medicine cabinet and I have some long-expired Wellbutrin up there. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if I took one? How do these people live with me? I totally suck. GAH.
I saw Talladega Nights last night. It's not quite as good as Anchorman, but still Damn Funny. I'm not a Nascar fan AT ALL, so maybe I didn't pick up some of the subtle-er humor. I love love love me some Will Farrell, though. I order you to go see it.
The end.

I hope that the extra work goes quickly for you. You're a good person for picking up the extra hours.