I'm Kind of a Big Deal
I'm just so full of awesome that I had to get some of it out.

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Yesterday, while at WalMart, my cell phone rang. It was my son's (catholic school) teacher (whom I hadn't met yet) asking me if I could come in to talk to her about my son's lack of motivation for school work and his *cough* behavior. We set up an appointment for 20 minutes later, and away we went. I was completely pissed off at this point, because my son had been telling me that school was going "great!" I had to hurry through WalMart and of course, didn't get half of the stuff I needed (translate: my cats are eating dog food.) So, in my complete rush and stressed-out mind state, I showed up at the school (thank God I fixed my hair today, I was thinking) and sat down with DJ's teacher. First of all, she is completely mature and beautiful, with long, flowy, blowy blond hair, blue eyes and perfect teeth and figure. She's awesome, and very pleasant to talk to. She didn't even talk bad about my son, she was just very caring and thoughtful about what we can do to help him. It was going well.

I forgot to turn off my cell phone. Oh, and I had my husband's cell phone in my purse too, not turned off.

ALL OF A SUDDEN, my phone starts ringing. But this wasn't just ANY ring tone. It was the ring tone that I downloaded and set ONLY for my cousin Dawn, who has never, ever called me, NOT ONE TIME since we were, like, teenagers. The reason I set it for HER was BECAUSE she never calls me, and cuz I didn't actually want it to play that song in an inappropriate time. (like this one.)

You know that song by Buck Cherry? Called Crazy Bitch? THAT ONE. Except it's only the part towards the end that says *just* Crazy Bitch over and over and over. OH MY GOD, it started playing. And I couldn't find my phone. I was digging through my purse, saying over and over... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Each I'm sorry was more frantic-sounding than the last. Finally, there's my phone. NO, it's my husbands... back to searching. CRAZY BITCH, CRAZY BITCH, CRAZY BITCH... Here it is... GOOD GOD, WHY WON'T YOU TURN OFF?? ~CRAZY BITCH, CRAZY BITCH~ TURN OFF. PUSH BUTTONS, TURN OOFFFFFFFFFF.

My god, I wanted to just DIE right then.

The teacher, she didn't crack a smile. Not even a little. But I have to hand it to her, after one final I'm sorry from me, she just continued the conversation as if THE WORST THING hadn't just happened.

I know what she's thinking. NO WONDER HER SON HAS A BEHAVIOR PROBLEM.

Posted by some girl at 8/26/2006 04:32:00 PM |


At Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:29:00 PM, Blogger Kether said........
Once my phone played Ding Dong the Witch is Dead in church. Thank God it wasn't a funeral. The first time it rang, I looked around disgusted and tried to act like it was someone else's. Then I had to dig through my purse and make it stop.
Oh, and last year at a forum interview for our newest VP at work my cellphone went off while she was answering questions for a good five minutes and because I was frantic and embarassed I couldn't figure out how to make it stop.
People were SO mad. The candidate wasn't. She claims she never noticed, but the 50 some people in the room did.
Its a wonder I carry my phone at all....

At Sunday, August 27, 2006 12:05:00 AM, Blogger Jason Rohrblogger said........
I put my cell phone on vibrate, stuff it deep in my pants, and then hope someone calls me...

At Sunday, August 27, 2006 12:03:00 PM, Blogger Patty said........
How embarassing. I hope you can look back and laugh someday.

At Monday, August 28, 2006 3:53:00 AM, Blogger Carol P said........
The funniest things always happen to you! And at your expense! Think of it this way - you gave that teacher a great story to tell her family and friends!

At Tuesday, September 05, 2006 8:44:00 AM, Blogger Jenn said........
HAHAHAHAHA Attack of the ringtone! I have to do training sessions at work and at least once per session someone's phone rings something borderline naughty. I love it!

At Monday, September 25, 2006 4:29:00 PM, Blogger Summer Girl said........
I am fucking peeing my pants. OH MY GOD! That is too funny!