In case you are wondering (which I guess many of you are! wow!)
I missed my u/s appointment. I've made another appointment, but it's not until April 1st. Sigh.
This is what happens when you are me. When you are me, things slip your mind. Even important things like ultrasounds. When you are me, you suck at life. When you are me, you miss your kids so much when you are away from them, and then are SO totally impatient with them when you are around them. When you are me, you forget just how much you really would like a good romp in the sack, but you are too tired, anyway. When you are me, your house is always messy and no one has clean clothes. When you are me, you are amazingly adept on the job, because it's your future and you must impress everyone, though your home and family are suffering. When you are me, you are happy you are about to graduate and be a REAL nurse, but sickeningly bittersweet-ly sad at the same time, because gosh-damnit, you loved school, and your friends there, but hated clinicals. When you are me, you see that you can't do it all, but try anyway. When you are me, you schedule a day out at the zoo with your friend, your friend's kids, and your kids, and you realize two days before said day out at the zoo, that said day is your 8th wedding anniversary and therefore are a disappointment to your husband, who is stuck at work, and alone in the evening until you get home, at 8 pm, exhausted from a day at the zoo with the kids that kept getting on your nerves. (But I do love them so.)
So glad you aren't me.
Happy Anniversary?