So much is going on. My brother's baby (Isabella) was in Children's Mercy for 24 days last month. She is now on her 5th trip there, and is going to be sent home (in TWO MONTHS) with a tracheostomy and ventilator. She is still on oxygen and a feeding tube, but is unable to breathe properly. Her CO2 level in her body keeps rising to dangerous levels.
The doctors think that if she is able to go home on the vent then eventually she will gain weight. She will be six months old on the 23rd and weighs 8.5 lbs. She is freaking TINY. But when she feels good, all she does is smile and play. She is very special and we all love her so much.
My little sister finally had her baby on May 2nd. Oh, check out these two pictures:

The first picture is my sister and her boyfriend. The second one is their baby. Do you guys notice anything strange about this?
We did too. She wasn't going to tell us until my mom called her when she was getting ready to leave the hospital and told her she wasn't fooling anyone. She finally admitted that it was possible it was someone else's baby.
Well, we miss you, thank you so much for the update! We are thinking of you and that darling baby!