It's not good news.
The so-called "fibroid tumor" has grown to monsterous proportions. Remember back in November? When it was "the size of a golf ball"? Like 3 cm across? Well, now it's 10 cm across. Ten centimeters. Think Large Grapefruit.
Behold the drawing I had made for you. This is a very basic version of what I saw on the screen. The oblong circle with a "U" in it would be my uterus. The Other One with an "F" would be the so-called fibroid.
Each morning I venture to open my eyes, pee, and take two Aleve tablets. Then I sit and wait for the Aleve tablets to take most of the almost unbearable pain away. And sex? Um, no. That makes it a WHOLE LOT WORSE. It never ends, people. And I'm depressed about it. Chronic pain is, something like, the number one reason people commit suicide. Not that I'm leaning that way. Cuz I'm not. I'm hopeful that my doctor WILL find a way to fix it. And I go back to see him on Tuesday for my official after-ultrasound-talk-about-what-to-do-now appointment. I see a surgical suite in my future!