I'm Kind of a Big Deal
I'm just so full of awesome that I had to get some of it out.

Sunday, January 02, 2005
Well, it looks like I wasn't thinking very clearly. Seeing's how my cycles are 24-25 days, and CD 1 was December 31st.... see where I'm going with this?

In other news, my job officially started sucking. For the second time, I was CHEWED THE FUCK OUT by a doctor. Me, the poor little nurse, I was just trying to let him know how HIS patient was doing- apparantly 7pm isn't the time to bother him. FUCKSTICK. (But you know, us nursing-home nurses are too stupid to work in a hospital anyway, and we MUST be ignorant.) Incidentally, this happens to be the same GP that my kids, my husband, and myself go to. We're currently looking for a new one... probably one in the same office. (HA!) Now that I've seen (or heard) firsthand how much he truly cares for his patients (after office hours, of course) I don't think I want any part of it.

(Have I told you how much I love parenthesis?)

Posted by some girl at 1/02/2005 10:33:00 PM |


At Monday, January 03, 2005 2:31:00 PM, Blogger Summer Girl said........
**GASP** I'm shocked!!!!!!!!!! (couldn't resist) and can't believe that this doctor 1. chewed you out and 2. is YOUR doctor!! We thought he was so good.... *sigh*

Hey, good luck with this cycle... maybe your angel will be helping you out this time... ya never know (oh, and have you caught on? I love ...) :)

At Wednesday, January 05, 2005 12:41:00 PM, Blogger Crista said........
I'm a fan of the parentheses as well. Sorry to hear about the fucker of a doctor. I admire nurses so much. I could never do it! Lots of luck this cycle...hoping for lots of good news in 2005...