This is me.
As you can clearly see, the stress fairy has paid a visit, and took a huge, stinking dump on top of me.
Out of the flippin blue on Wednesday afternoon, my boss was fired. Just like that. It would seem that would be a good thing, but she was my friend, too. Her desk actually touches my desk, so it's safe to say that we worked closely together. She was very easy to get along with and always complimentary, to everyone. The major problem with her was she was too soft on the employees. She may be a bit mentally unstable, but, hey, who isn't?
Thursday morning, I was made co-director of nursing, instead of just Assistant DON, like I had previously enjoyed. It was nice of the management to ask me like I had a choice, but I suspect there wasn't really a "no" option. Oh, yes, it's a step up, but I liked my position before, I had all the authority and none of the accountability. See, that works for me because I'm not a natural leader- I never wanted to be a leader. I just sat at my desk, did my job, and went home. If I felt like reprimanding someone, I did, and if I didn't feel like it, I just left it up to my boss.
The girl who is Co-DON with me is the daughter-in-law of the company's owners. It's kind of a long story, but we have a "sister facility" that she has been running for several years. She is kind of taking over and changing everything. I think she knew I wasn't very happy about her being there, and I feel like we may have had a rocky first day together. She is a very take-charge kind of person and is a little intimidating to me. But what I love about her is her ability to get things DONE, like right now. She is fearless. I just wish I could be like her. Maybe I will be someday.
I do have updates on my neice. She will be having her heart-repairing surgery on the 27th of this month. She is slooooowly gaining weight, and is now on a NG tube for feedings, so she won't tire herself out with all the sucking. If she coughs or cries, she turns blue. She is now 6 weeks old and is so alert, looking around, smiling, cooing, and is just generally precious. She seems to be mentally normal. This is the most important observation, because her genetic testing shows that she has a chromosomal deletion. (22q11 if anyone wants to know.) What this means is she has Di George Syndrome. There are many possible defects with this syndrome, and everyone has different combinations. There is a high possibility that she will have mild mental retardation. She doesn't have any of the facial characteristics, except maybe the small mouth. She may have immunity problems, but most of the things she may or may not have won't be fully known until she's older.
My main defense mechanism is to just not think about it. I don't think it's working. I may have to take up drinking heavily.