I'm Kind of a Big Deal
I'm just so full of awesome that I had to get some of it out.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

This +

poison ivy =


Now you know what I've been doing all week.

Posted by some girl at 7/22/2006 02:22:00 PM | 3 comments
Friday, July 14, 2006
It's so effing HOT here. It stormed all night and now it's like, 103 degrees, and the humidity takes your breath away. Also? My HAIR = BAD.

I would also like to apologize now, because I totally gave up on the video. Wah. It works perfectly fine on my hard drive, but once I upload it to photobucket it loses its sound. And the sound is the whole fun of the video. Double WAH.

Right at this very moment my 8 year old son is loading the dishwasher. SCORE! (No, I do not feel guilty in the slightest. He's learning valuable lessons. Like, housework isn't just for girls. Most importantly... he's learning how to make mommy happy.)

I've been fighting the urge to do some internet shopping. I think I've finally almost figured out how to fulfill my need while keeping my bank account happy. I like to fill the "shopping basket" with all the things I want, then just click over to another site when it comes time to actually check out. I went for the big stuff today. I *almost* bought 2 awesome coach purses, a coach wallet, TONS of clothes from various sites, OMG so many shoes, and even a new vacuum. It doesn't help that I have my debit card number memorized. It's kinda hard not to type it in, but I did very well today. SHOPGASM.

I found this today. There are no words to express how happy it makes me.

Posted by some girl at 7/14/2006 02:46:00 PM | 1 comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
I never thought I'd figure this out, but I'm trying to upload a video.

Bear with me.

If it works, it will be here.

or here.

Posted by some girl at 7/10/2006 12:38:00 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
She's home.

She took $300 out of her account and went gambling.

She does that too.

I'm totally gonna yell at her.


Posted by some girl at 7/05/2006 08:32:00 AM | 2 comments
I think I've mentioned before that my mom may be crazy. Or maybe I've come right out and said my mom is crazy.

She is afflicted.

It's kind of a big joke around our house, but it is kind of serious. She is bipolar. And not just mildly mentally ill, she's got a full blown case. Usually she takes her lithium and other various drugs and is fine, FINE.

I think maybe she's skipped a few doses, because GOD has she gone and jumped off the deep end. Again.

She is missing. She hasn't been seen since late Monday night. Under normal conditions, like, say... it's your mom. You all would be freaking the fuck out, right? Cuz mom's just don't disappear.

But with my mom? This is like the seventh time. We're used to it. But it doesn't make it suck any less.

The first time was about 6 or 7 years ago. It was the worst. My dad filed a missing persons report, but the police weren't obligated to let us know if they found her, because she is an adult. Several days later they called and all they could tell us was that they had found her, no more, no less. Then the hospital called. She had been in a hotel in a town about an hour away. Almost dead, cuz she had taken a whole bottle of Xanax and went to bed. She lived through it and was put into inpatient mental care for a while.

She went through some major counselling and many med changes, and has been alot better since then. But still, whenever she gets mad at my dad, she just takes off. We think she may be staying with some people from work. We're not sure.

See, what happened this time, is she grounded my little sister because she failed yet another drug test. Then my dad told my sister that she could go visit her nogood boyfriend in rehab. (I KNOW!) I feel that it is a perfectly good reason to get mad, but I also know that my dad just doesn't want to ruin his relationship with my sister, so he kind of lets her get away with murder. (She'll be 18 in two months and IS LEAVING, she says.) Normal couples talk about this sort of thing. Maybe even fight about it. But my mom? Leaves.

Incidentally, my mom is the only person in the world that can be tough on Brianna (the sister.) I swear, if you were with her, she could convince you to eat a turd. She is so cute and sweet. You just want to do whatever she asks of you. Also? She can be a massive bitch. But SO SWEET. AND CUTE.

I hope my mom turns up today. She has to work at 3. I'll call and she'll probably be there. I hope.

Posted by some girl at 7/05/2006 06:04:00 AM | 4 comments