I'm Kind of a Big Deal
I'm just so full of awesome that I had to get some of it out.

Monday, June 26, 2006
To follow suit...

I too felt like a change was warranted.

I had no idea these things were everywhere... and free! and easy!


Posted by some girl at 6/26/2006 03:50:00 AM | 5 comments
Monday, June 19, 2006
All this breastfeeding talk...

It's actually been very nice to read all this. Most people have been civil so far, which leads me to believe that most of us have learned something from the internet.

While I haven't read Julie's recent comments, I did read through the first 97 or so, and I didn't feel that any of them were too judgemental.



I've been wanting to post about this for a while now. Not boobs and breastfeeding, but how times, they are a' changing. There is so much less of the mommy-drive-by-ing everwhere thanks to the pioneers like Grrl, Julie, Tertia, and SO many others.

I used to be so snobby... I was able to breastfeed both of my kids easily. When I went back to school/work I supplemented with formula a little, but I was a WINNER. I did it. It was difficult, but I decided that if I could do it, then anyone should be able to. Boy was I stupid.

The good old internet.

I have learned so much from all of the smart, funny, gorgeous women out here than I have in all my 20 years of schooling. What I've learned has made me not only smarter, but so much more compassionate and empathetic. They can't teach that in school. Only the best of the best, those whom I've mentioned here and countless others that I haven't mentioned, are able to effectively make the rest of us stupid-heads listen up and figure out how to respect our fellow woman.

We are a much better bunch of people because of it.

thank you all.

Posted by some girl at 6/19/2006 06:14:00 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Thank God that's over.

Oh pain, you're back. I've missed you so. Golfball-sized clots? Nice to see you again. Big, giant moody mood swings? You can go to hell, you effin' crazy bitches.

I knew it was a matter of time, I knew this month wasn't the month, mostly due to the six very negative tests I peed on. That's how I know I am not bitter anymore- only six. Six is a far cry from the twenty or so I used to waste every blessed cycle. Surely you remember that ebay auction I won... 100 HPT's!!! They were gone within a few months. Bleh. (I used to be batshit ca-raaazy.)

I guess it was just a matter of time before my cycles decided to poop out on me entirely. The big green endo monster must beat me into submission. How dare I attempt to show it who's boss with piddly little surgeries and handfuls of aleve? Barren isn't enough for you, dumbass? Well, then, I'll fuck with you some more! Let's see who's "regular" now! (Insert maniacal laughter here.)

Posted by some girl at 6/07/2006 01:25:00 AM | 4 comments