Gah. I should be asleep, people.
It's like the middle of the night in my body.
Cuz I work nights.
And here it is 8:05 in the am and I've been off work for 2 hours. I'm still up because I have to take my kid to the doctor's office today as she may or may not have broken her arm yesterday at school. Was I informed of any possible problem yesterday, or even last night when my daughter chose to sit out basketball practice because her arm "hurt really bad"? Nope. Nobody called me.
No one said, Hmm, that arm looks swollen, and you fell on it? Maybe I should call your mom?
And then no one called her mom.
Yes, I saw the child last night, and I saw her alot. But she NEVER said anything about it! Not one word!
I guess she just forgot that I'm like, a nurse or something, and I guess it wasn't so bad when she wasn't trying to use her arm.
I did overhear her on the phone at one point last night. She called her friend, who is the daughter of her basketball coach. This is what I heard:
Is Jenna there? Oh, yeah, I took a tylenol and it feels better.
Hi, Jenna.... blahblahblah.
I assumed it was her coach that answered the phone, and him being, like, this super-caring-dad-guy, asked her about some undoubtedly insignificant injury, because, my kid is like that. She hurts herself, numerous times a day. Seriously. It kind of gets old. Since she was on the phone, I didn't ask her at that minute what she was talking about, and then quickly forgot about it.
I went in to her room this morning to wake her up for school and she rolls over, and says, "Oh, OW, OW, My arm hurts really bad but I'm getting up." She got up, holding her left arm to her side, OW OWWW.
Yeah, it's a tad bit swollen right above the elbow. I gave her a tylenol and let her stay in bed. She said it hurts way worse today than it did yesterday.
So the story I got this morning in her sleepy stupor was this: I don't remember what happened to it.
After more prying I got this one: Oh, I remember now. I fell off the monkey bars. And I landed on my arm like this. I then got a visual of her with her arm sticking out straight in front of her and her falling over said arm which then hit the ground with all her body weight over said arm. Um, yeah, might be broken.