Sorry I've been so long lost.
If you missed it, my puter was shafizzled- but now all is right again with the world.
First order of business would be my 5 things. I've been
twice tagged, and still have not even thought about what the hell you would want to know about me! I'm quite boring actually. Unless... I tell you all about the not-boring stuff, but why tarnish my reputation? I. Know.
1. I don't keep my house all that clean. Really. I am just toooo tired. Or lazy. Or both. Right now I have a sinkful of dishes to do, about 6 loads of laundry to do, my kitchen needs mopped, and my Christmas tree is still up. I haven't always been this way, I used to be a good housekeeper. The kicker is that I am very very grumpy when the house is a mess. I'm at my happiest when the house at least looks clean. So why don't I get off my ass and clean it? I don't know. Oh, and I need to go to the store. I'm out of toilet paper and
almost out of kleenex. But look at me run on and on here on the puter... and not getting up to do any of it. Maybe later. (Update... Christmas tree is DOWN.)
2. I used to be quite the little ho. Seriously. Lost the
big V at 16 and never looked back. For 4 years I slept with guy after guy after guy after guy after... wait, how many
is that? Maybe not that many. But now I'm a good girl. I just screw the one.
3. Something funny. I have stretch marks that extend into my muff-al region and therefore do not grow hair in those areas. If I trim my shiznit, I'm all tiger striped and whatnot. So I let it grow free to cover the bald spots.
(*Ok, here I took a break and started a load of laundry. That wasn't so bad.)
4. I secretly think I'm just about the smartest person alive, yet I know that I'm wrong.
5. I am so uncreative that I cannot think of a fifth thing you don't already know about me. I'll just leave it at that, am uncreative.
Great googly moogly. I finally realized that I was a bit depressed. Maybe not just a bit. I don't know, but I do know that my hubby had to tell me to get on the damn computer and go to It's always hardest to see the signs in yourself... I can spot a depressed person from a mile away, usually.
It's just that I've been SO irritable. I get mad, really really mad, about stupid little things. Like one day last week, when I was cooking, some little peice of sauce-covered hamburger slopped out of the pan and onto the floor. I SEETHED. I was so mad I thought the top of my head would pop off. I actually screamed and then cried. It was pathetic. That's just one tiny example of the crappy person I've been lately. The sad part is, I don't even have a clue as to when this started, I just woke up one day, I guess. I had also been having alot, and I mean alot, of trouble sleeping. I have a very hard time falling asleep, then if I woke up, I couldn't go back to sleep. But it seemed that I was ALWAYS in bed, trying to sleep. Then, some days, I would sleep ALL FREAKING DAY. I haven't even had the energy to go to my mom's house, and she lives 4 blocks away. She called me twice last week and invited us over for supper, and I declined. I am a total bitch.
Thursday, I decided that I had had enough, and started taking hubby's meds. He had been taking Paxil CR, but only for a few weeks. He just needed it to get over a little hump, I guess. And really he is doing better. Thank God for Paxil CR.
I should say that in the past, I've taken Prozac, Wellbutrin, and Lexapro at different times in my life. I never liked who I was on them. First of all, they always made me feel numb and emotionless. Secondly, they never worked very well. Third, they took too long to start working. But, BUT, Paxil CR is wonderful. The CR is for Continuous Release, which means it releases continuously, a little at a time, over a whole 24 hours. So I don't have this numb feeling for four hours after taking it, and I don't have to wait for it to build up in my blood stream for it to work. It's just already there, from day one. I also have SO MUCH MORE energy now. I am smiling at people now. I have QUIT yelling at everyone. I love myself on Paxil CR.
I am in total denial that I am turning into my crazy mother. Please, God, don't let me turn into my crazy mother.